Personal Profile
I joined Mills & Reeve as a trainee solicitor in September 2008 after studying Law with French at the University of Sheffield and the LPC at the College of Law in Chester. I qualified into our London insurance team in September 2010. Since then I have been predominantly working defending professional negligence claims involving various professions such as solicitors, accountants, valuers, brokers and financial advisers.
At the moment, a lot of my time is spent defending claims brought by banks against solicitors involving alleged mortgage fraud. I have experience in dealing with issues of limitation, contributory negligence, failure to mitigate and the correct measure of loss in relation to such claims.
I have been involved in several mortgage related claims involving a single insured client. Our work has been to scrutinise the paperwork with a critical eye, to consider the important issues and to suggest possible approaches for a fair resolution. Our clients’ demands are simple - they want each claim to be dealt with in a swift, rigorous and commercial way. Working in a small team, we have been able to obtain some fantastic results for our client.
Our team is highly regarded for the type of work that we do. Chambers UK says our team ""deserves its strong reputation"" for defending claims against solicitors and their market-leading insurers. There are experts in various strands of professional negligence in our team, and there is a wide range of expertise in other teams in the firm that we draw on to help us advise clients and enable us to provide them with outstanding client service."
Fountain House
130 Fenchurch Street